So, it’s been a long time since I wrote a proper blog post. A few months ago, I had made the old RCWDEV blog, mostly as an outlet to talk about life and other things that are important to me, but actually just became a knowledge base for the community Minecraft server that I ran. I even had the intent to migrate some of my old notebook entries into blog posts.
But, within the time period where I was working on the blog, I realized that I didn’t really want everything to be centered around “RCWDEV.” It just didn’t make sense. I had blog posts about my Minecraft server, which was called Lt. Wilscraft, and didn’t really have any association with the other alias. I didn’t even talk about coding, which is entirely what the alias “RCWDEV” was meant to represent for me.
So I ditched the name, and by extension, the blog that I had been working on.
But here we are.
So, yeah. I’ve brought it back. This time, I’m using a mixture of Obsidian and Visual Studio Code to manage all of my blog posts. Which is very convenient because before, I was simply writing markdown files. Not that it’s particularly difficult, it can just become annoying look at.
Also, you’ve probably already seen, but I have migrated the few posts from my old blog to here. Like the wonderful lag mitigation fiasco that I did not need to write, but still documented anyway.
While it’s not perfect, it works for me.
Why even maintain a blog?
To be honest, most times I don’t really see a purpose in making a blog. It’s almost entirely likely that nobody will read it, so why even bother?
The fact of the matter is, I don’t care if it doesn’t matter to anyone else. In a day and age where loneliness is at an all time low globally, what does it hurt in writing down my thoughts on occasion? I mean, seriously. I highly recommend that if you are going through a hard time, get out a good ol’ piece of paper and grab a pen. Write down your thoughts and feelings about everything. I was genuinely in the mindset of people that thought a diary was stupid. But as it turns out, it can be an incredible tool to help cope with, and better understand your feelings and hardships.
I’m embarrassed to admit, but I even bought a smaller notebook a few months ago purely for the purpose of writing things down, and occasionally keeping track of my feelings.
So that’s why I want to keep maintaining a blog. I don’t do it for anyone else, I do it for myself. Sometimes, it’ll mean that I’m going to be vulnerable, and especially with a blog in particular. While I don’t really think anyone will read these mundane posts, there is always the possibility of one person being able to see inner-workings of a human being. And, with that one person, there is always another possibility that whatever nonsense I’m waffling about is important to them, too.
And if I can help express myself, AND help to validate someone else’s thoughts and feelings, then why not? That’s why I want to maintain a blog.
Here’s to more posts.
They won’t always be all personal, and about life. Sometimes, I might just want to document how cool my Linux setup is, or how I went about making a cool effect in a video. It might be mundane to some people, but I don’t really care! It’s important to me, and that’s all that matters.
And hey, if you’re reading this, thank you. Here’s to more posts.