This is a legacy post that was imported from my previous blog. Some links may not work, or may contain out-of-date information.
As I mention in the about page, this site is temporary. Or at least that’s the plan. I have always wanted to maintain a blog, I’ve just never properly created the framework to make one. I’ll be honest, this isn’t perfect either. But it’s a starting point and that’s what matters.
You know, funnily enough I started writing in a notebook back in December as a last resort effort in venting out my thoughts. I thought I’d start things off by repeating some of the same topics I originally wrote in that first entry. And yes, I did end up writing in it more than once.
Notebook Entry: 12/16/2023
Physically writing things down, huh? I’ve never tried to take physical notes, or write my thoughts down on paper. I’ve always wanted to properly maintain a blog or digital notebook. It’s just never worked out so I just gave up. I remember the one that I tried to maintain my senior year of High School. It had at least 10-20 entries but I never really stayed on top of it. I think a lot of the problem was that everything was manual. I mean it was basically using one of those “What you see is what you get” website builders. In all honesty, I’m surprised it lasted that long.
I’ve always found it hard to focus, or maintain focus on something. It’s kinda the bane of my existence. I have so many ideas that I think would be cool to work on or finish, but I just never see it through. Do I need to learn discipline? Or do I just need therapy? No clue. But it seriously weighs me down sometimes. I didn’t hit a single one of any of the goals I had set for myself this year. Maybe next year will be the one? We’ll see.
Well, nobody said that I have to write a full page worth of words. Maybe I should look into getting a small notebook instead of this big ass notebook. But regardless, here’s to hopefully more entries in this piece of shit.
In all honesty, I think I was right. Simply writing things down ended up making me feel way better about things. I definitely think that a small notebook just to jot things down, not even entirely just for a diary, just for jotting things down could make things easier on me.
I am still struggling with motivation, but I’ve slowly come to learn that motivation comes once in a blue moon. It’s discipline that you need to expand and rely on.
In Conclusion
I think this is a good start for things. All sorts of different posts coming up, whether it’s politics, developer updates, and just straight up life updates. I think this will the place I maintain for the forseeable future.
Here’s to the launch of this (temporary) website!